Online Learning App Design

This is my UX/UI redesign study for an online learning app. The trend of online learning has been taking a large jump in popularity. It’s flexible, offering a wide selection of programs and allowing for a customized learning experience for students. This UX project focuses on the improvement of the course searching system and efficiently helps new and current users to find the desired course enrollment.


Competitive Audits

  • Edx

  • Udemy

  • Future Learn

CourseraDefine the User’s Pain Points

1. Interview participants

What are the questions my research is trying to answer?

1. How long does it take for users to select and enroll in a course?   

2. What can we learn from the steps users took to explore and enroll in a course

3. Are the course searching and filtering systems easy to use and helpful? 

4. Are there any parts of a course searching process that make users feel that they are getting stuck or confused? 

 5. Is the process of class enrollment easy for users?

Summary: Conducting user interviews helped me understand my users, their needs and informed the app I was going to redesign. After that, I built a user persona and empathy map from the interview transcript, so I could deeply understanding user’s perspectives and learning their pain points.

2. User Personas


3. User Journey Map

Group 48.png

Problem Statement

After creating the user persona and journey map, I moved to the next step, writing a problem statement. Identifying the pain points my user was experiencing would help me find potential problems that my design could solve.

Goal Statement



Sticker Sheet

sticker sheet.png

High-fidelity prototypes

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 5.06.02 PM.png

Device Mockups


Interactive Design Prototypes
